Sunday, 7 February 2021

some questions about inverter/variable speed heat pumps

I'm planning ahead for when my system needs replacement, currently a Lennox XP17 with a CBX32MV air handler. I really like the concept of the system being able to run more often at lower speeds to help keep even temperatures at lower noise levels, especially for the winter. Couple of questions.

What I hear advertised about these systems is the ability to really reduce humidity. My current setup already does too good of a job at removing humidity on hot days, it can dip below 40% if it hot but fairly dry. I had to switch the fan profile off the default where it runs at low speed first as that was dropping the humidity down towards 30%. So I do not want a system with even more dehumidification! Can these variable speed systems be set with a humidity target range so that they can speed up and dehumidify less if the humidity gets too low?

I've been checking videos of the operation of the current Lennox variable speed heat pumps and they seem to put out a lot of high pitched electrical noise. Carrier as well. Is this just a "feature" of all inverter systems or does any manufacturer of ducted split systems (not mini-split) make one without any high pitched noise?

How does the defrost cycle work with the inverter systems? I'm used to a (relatively) loud honk and compressor noise at the start/end of each defrost. Do the inverter systems handle these more gracefully?


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