Friday, 20 May 2022

Mitsubishi SVZ vs PVA


House is about 2050 sqft, 2 floors, built 1985, seattle area and currently has a gas furnace. We are currently evaluating two bids for Mitsubishi heat pump/ducted air handler.

One of them uses SVZ-KP36NA/SUZKA36NAHZ and other is PVA36AA7/PUZHA36NHA4 (P-series quote is about 20% higher than the other one).

I spent a lot of time looking at differences between these in Mitsubishi catalog but it looks like minor differences. Contractor who quoted us P-series mentioned that it has higher CFM, and since our house has 14 supply registers, it might be better at moving air. Does this really make a big difference with inverter heat pump? Max airflow rate is 910 for S-series vs 1125 for P-series. Also is one better at handling humidity compared to the other?

Any help is appreciated.


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