Thursday, 4 August 2022

Contractor didn't flush acid from old compressor burnout and wired new system wrong..

I'm from the central California area, weather here gets pretty hot (it's been ~105f all week).

This is what happened to my old 5 ton system:

imgur .com/O9Ra4uc.png
Sorry for the link breaks! I don't have 7 posts yet. There's a space between imgur and .com

It's a picture of the aftermath of my old compressor, which had made a small explosive sound, started hissing loudly and filled the area around my house with smoke and really nasty burned rubber smell, and then leaked black liquid.

My old systems specs (R22):
Condenser Unit Model: York H4RC060S06G (5 Ton 12 Seer)
Refrigerant Evaporator Model: Aspen BBL 60+X2+YORK05
Gas Furnace Model: York GY8S100C20UH11B

- Home is ~2400 sq. feet

The new system they installed is a Trane XR17 2 stage heat pump (4TWR7060) with a P-Series Modular Air Blower and XL824 thermostat.

When I asked them about the old system causing acid in the lines the response I got was "yea don't worry, we'll flush all that stuff out with nitrogen to 200 microns"... it sounded good at the time so I thought they knew what they were doing. Upon further research I was really concerned. They didn't put dryer filters on any of the lines either.

They finished the install yesterday and I paid them. Air was blowing nice and cold and my house was slowing going down in temp from 85 degrees. Until about 6 hours later I notice the AC hasn't turned off and i can't get it to turn off in the thermostat even in the off position. I remove the thermostat from the wall and see this:

imgur .com/tiwy8Cz.png
It's a picture of thermostat base with wiring exposed, basically green wire going to Y2, yellow wire to Y1, white wire to O, blue wire to B/C, red wire to RH in addition to RH to RC bridge.

Now I'm no rocket scientist, but I thought G should be going to green. After reading the manual I realized I should I have two Y wires and definitely an orange wire as well since I have a 2 stage heat pump. I looked for manuals and wiring guides for all my components and none of them look like this.

It's been running overnight and the tech came by today and tried a new thermostat, and it still continuously runs. When I ask him about the wiring he says he did something upstairs where G and Y1 are together. It was hard to understand but basically he made it so that my 5 wires can run instead of the 6 wires required.

Since the tech couldn't figure it out... his boss will come tomorrow to check it out .. Is there anything I should be prepared to ask to make sure my system was installed appropriately? Would really appreciate any advice. Thank you!


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