Saturday, 21 May 2022

Red tek 12a

Hello all. New here with limited hvac knowledge. Heavy duty mechanic by trade.

I recently acquired a two door reach in cooler like you’d see at a convenience store. It wouldn’t run. I put a supco 3n1 starter on it and it ran with 20inches on the low side and 50psi on the hot side and wouldn’t cool.

I put a can of red tek 12a stop leak (says adds 2 ounces of refrigerant) and about 12 ounces of red tek 12a. Got my pressures to about 28psi low 150 high. Cools well.
Tag on fridge says r12, 17 ounce charge.

Three questions.
1. FLA is 9 amps and it’s drawing about 7amps. Is that too high?

2. The bottle says 6 ounces of red tek 12a is equivalent to 18 ounces r12, did I overcharge the system?

3. I have frost back all the way back to the compressor. I’m sure this isn’t good?


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