Saturday, 21 May 2022

Permit Requirements for Mini Splits


I work for a company that helps people with home renovations and we're currently expanding into HVAC.

Boss wants me to research the permit requirements for installing mini splits in the following states.

  • New York
  • CA
  • Florida
  • Texas
  • Pennsylvania

From what I've found so far, it looks like permits need to be pulled everywhere.

Specific requirements vary at the local level - right down to County, City or Town Building Dept level. That's a lot of digging for me to do and I'm wondering if there's a summary list somewhere on a government website?

I have a couple of questions

Does anyone have a link to a breakdown of permit requirements and how they vary across the country, especially in the states mentioned above?; and

Does anyone have experience in the states mentioned above and could confirm whether a permit is required and any specific code requirements related to mini splits in that jurisdiction?

I sure would appreciate your help on this.



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