Monday 1 March 2021

Trane CleanEffects - 15 months old - What am I missing or not understanding ?

New house completed 11/2019 with new Trane HVAC system - heat, A/C, CleanEffects filtering.
Had Trane heat & A/C in 3 of the last 4 houses with little or no problems - First time with CleanEffects for filtering.

This house with the Cleaneffects is the dustiest house I have ever lived in. We have dust bunnies big enough to put saddles on and I think several of them have turned carnivorous !!
I'm told by those that installed the system that it is working as it should. I've also been told that the dust bunnies and the dust ( deep enough to 'write on / in' ) on table tops, night stands, any horizontal or close to horizontal surface
is 'dust that has 'fallen to the floor ( table top etc. )' and will not be picked up by the filtering system.
OK. What DOES it pick up or filter out ??

When cleaning the system as instructed, the pre-filter has some dust, hair, etc. on it, just enough to make it slightly difficult to see through and it can be vacuumed clean. The 'cells' with thousand what look like small bore straws are as clean as the day they were made. Vacuuming the cells does nothing because they have nothing in them - they have trapped NOTHING. Are they supposed to trap dust, pollen, allergens ? If you get enough particles trapped over time, at some point all of the trapped particles are going to become visible whether in place or when vacuumed up/out so I can't buy into - 'the dust, pollen, allergens that the systems removes are too small for you to see them'.
Atoms are also too small to see until you get enough of them together!

If this system is 'operating correctly' then there is NO dust, pollen, allergens etc. in my house AT ALL
the system is not doing what it is supposed to do.
Which of those choices would YOU believe ?

If the system is in fact operating correctly and it's trapping something, anything, then after this much time there has to be a build up of dust, pollen, allergens SOMEWHERE for the vacuum cleaner to remove !

As an experiment, a friend, who lives alone and has a Honeywell electronic air filter and put a sheet of white paper on a table in his house and left it there for a month. Nothing, no dust, nothing. In my house you could write your name in the dust that would be on the paper !!
When my friend cleans his 'cells' in his dishwasher (!) twice a year, the water coming out of the dishwasher is black with dust, dirt etc. !!

So, do I have a faulty system or is there something I'm not understanding or something I should be doing ?

Help !!


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