Monday, 18 January 2021

HVAC duct

Hello all, I have 2 main supply and return lines in my house. 1 trunk run across the basement ceiling and the other to my second story. 2100 sq ft home.
We are doing some basement mods. After I removed the wood paneling that is covering my duct work, I found that my 8x10 supply branch is only connected to 1 6” duct. The 8x10 is ran for 12 feet. On the return side, the duct is 8x15.5” and connects to 1 8” return duct. This is also ran for 12’.
The house was built in 1965 and I know the prior owners did several duct changes, mainly second story. I suspect that years ago there were more connections to these but have been eliminated since.
My question is, do I really need to keep the supply and return ducts at that size for 12’ knowing they only connect each to 1 duct? Any reason why I can’t downsize them assuming I resize for flow and surface area friction? The basement ceiling is really low and right now the ducts are 6’2” from floor. Being 6’5”, reducing the hang down by 3” or more would be priceless. I have room to make the ducts wider...up to 48” each. Thoughts or confirm I am crazy!


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