Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Assessing Different Opinions on Replacement of 2400 sf second floor system TX

I hired a company that did a load assessment on my second floor because I had hot/cold performance issues on the old system - 5 ton puron Carrier 13 sear. Recommendation from the engineer were 4 zone system, (1) bedrooms, (2) media room, (3) over garage room with bath, and (4) common area in middle of staircase with game room at the top of stairs. Recommended Variable speed installed with new ducts that do supply through 4 lines out of the unit and installing return air in bedrooms.

I decided to call 3 companies for bids.

One: Drop in a 2 or 5 speed system into the current space and it will work much better than your old one.
Two: Bid what was recommended - Variable greenspeed.
Three: If it were me or my relatives, I would drop in a one or two speed performance Carrier and size the ducting properly and you will be fine. Reliability, cost, and maintenance all point to the one or two speed over the variable. This company installs many variable speeds. They say, your ducts and supply are not properly sized, they are not mastec'd and the system is built on a short platform. No reason to do that so if you install it properly, you will love the performance and have a more reliable and cost effective solution. Some situations benefit from the variable and you have one that would not. Once you put in the dampers, you always have to replace it with variable and the costs of maintenance and repair are 4X.

Any thoughts? Do I get more opinions? HVAC knowledge is hard to assess. The downstairs works great with a 20 year old one speed system.


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