Sunday, 27 September 2020

Type of damper panel to use with Dual Fuel stats?

I am in my 3rd year of hvac service so I am not a typical homeowner but I will always have more to learn

I installed a bosch 2 stage heatpump/2 stage gas furnace in my house in spring of 2020 and this winter will be my first with the new system. Yes I know the HP adjusts the pressure and has only Y but the furnace has Y1/Y2 which controls the different blower speeds.

I have 2 zones, each have a nest g3 and the damper panel is an hz322. For the summer I had the damper panel control staging with the %zone setting which worked very well.

Now I want to setup heating. The HZ322 cannot control dual fuel like the hz432 though I am not sure if that means the 322 is not compatible. The 432 can actually control the full system withing the settings of the panel itself. I’m curious if the 322 would receive the B call and W call separately from dual fuel stats and function the heatpump/gas furnace individiually.

Each stat would be setup with B for heatpump and can be set at a certain outside temp to function the W backup to come on and not use the heatpump.

Hoping to save myself some hours of testing if there happens to be someone out there that has had a similar zoning/dual fuel setup


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